The HPA Director's Blog - summary of the year 2022


Despite all the challenges with raging inflation, high electricity and energy prizes and an incredibly vicious war in Europe, the HPA consortium can look back on a fruitful year with many new features and massive amounts of additional underlying data.

In addition, more than 50 peer-reviewed research articles have been published by the members of the consortium during the year. The version 22 of the resource was launched December 7 at the HUPO meeting in Cancun, Mexico, with 5 million individual web pages, including a new Disease Blood Atlas reporting on the analysis using next generation blood profiling of thousands of patients with different cancers. This section will then be updated during 2023 with analysis of patients diagnosed with other major diseases, including cardiovascular, infectious, auto-immune and neurodegenerative diseases.

In addition, a new Structure section was launched showing the predicted 3D-structures of all proteins using the AlphaFold algorithm and integrating them with data on genetic variants and antibody binding sites.

In November the Tissue Atlas publication in Science from 2015 reached 10,000 citations according to Google Scholar, which constitutes an important mile-stone for the HPA resource. A new version of this section now includes multiplex staining of tissues using a mixture of six different antibodies, starting with analysis of human testis and kidney.

In addition, the version 22 has expanded the analysis of human cell lines by adding transcriptomes from more than 1000 cell lines to guide researchers on the best cell line model for a particular research project.

We are grateful for all the feed-back from the research community with tens of thousands of citations to the Human Protein Atlas in peer-reviewed publications during the year. We are also grateful for the collaborations with other biological database infrastructures, such as UniProt, Ensembl and Elixir, as well as research groups all over the world.

The HPA consortium wishes all of you a fruitful new year in the field of human protein science.

Mathias Uhlén