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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
GTF2E2General transcription factor IIE subunit 2
GUCY1A1Guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
GUCY2DGuanylate cyclase 2D, retinal
GVQW3GVQW motif containing 3
GXYLT2Glucoside xylosyltransferase 2
GZMAGranzyme A
GZMKGranzyme K
GZMMGranzyme M
H1-5H1.5 linker histone, cluster member
H2BC10H2B clustered histone 10
H3C11H3 clustered histone 11
H4C13H4 clustered histone 13
H4C6H4 clustered histone 6
HADHHydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
HDAC1Histone deacetylase 1
HDAC4Histone deacetylase 4
HELZHelicase with zinc finger
HIRIP3HIRA interacting protein 3
HMGB2High mobility group box 2
HNRNPA0Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A0
HOMER1Homer scaffold protein 1
ICOSInducible T cell costimulator
IGHV1-58Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-58
IGHV1-69Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-69
IGHV1-69-2Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-69-2
IGHV1OR15-1Immunoglobulin heavy variable 1/OR15-1 (non-functional)
IGHV2-70DImmunoglobulin heavy variable 2-70D
IGHV3-13Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3-13
IGHV3-35Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3-35 (non-functional)
IGHV3-64Immunoglobulin heavy variable 3-64
IGHV4-59Immunoglobulin heavy variable 4-59
IGHV4-61Immunoglobulin heavy variable 4-61
IGHV8-51-1Immunoglobulin heavy variable IGHV8-51-1 (non-functional)
IKZF2IKAROS family zinc finger 2
IL36AInterleukin 36 alpha
IL4Interleukin 4
ILDR2Immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 2
ING1Inhibitor of growth family member 1
INO80BINO80 complex subunit B
INTS9Integrator complex subunit 9
ITGA4Integrin subunit alpha 4
ITGAEIntegrin subunit alpha E
ITKIL2 inducible T cell kinase
ITM2AIntegral membrane protein 2A
JAKMIP1Janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 1
JARID2Jumonji and AT-rich interaction domain containing 2
KANSL1KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1
KANSL3KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3
KANTRKDM5C adjacent transcript
KAT6ALysine acetyltransferase 6A
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