All Gene name Protein class Uniprot keyword Chromosome External id Tissue expression (IHC) Patient ID (IHC) Tissue category (RNA) Tissue expression cluster (RNA) Reliability score tissue (IHC) Brain region category (RNA) Mouse brain category (RNA) Pig brain category (RNA) Reliability score mouse brain Cell type category (RNA) Single cell type expression cluster (RNA) Cell type enrichment (RNA) Prognostic cancer Cancer category (RNA) Immune cell category (RNA) Immune cell lineage category (RNA) Immune cell expression cluster (RNA) Secretome annotation Subcellular location (ICC) Subcellular location - cell line (ICC) Subcellular Cell Cycle Peak Phase Reliability score cells (ICC) Cell line category (RNA) Cell line expression cluster (RNA) Metabolic pathway Evidence summary UniProt evidence NeXtProt evidence HPA evidence Protein array (PA) Western blot (WB) Immunohistochemistry (IHC) Immunocytochemistry (ICC) With antibodies Has protein data Sort by
Blood group antigen proteins Cancer-related genes Candidate cardiovascular disease genes CD markers Citric acid cycle related proteins Disease related genes Enzymes FDA approved drug targets G-protein coupled receptors Human disease related genes Immunoglobulin genes Mapped to neXtProt Mapped to UniProt SWISS-PROT Metabolic proteins Nuclear receptors Plasma proteins Potential drug targets Predicted intracellular proteins Predicted membrane proteins Predicted secreted proteins Protein evidence (Ezkurdia et al 2014) Protein evidence (Kim et al 2014) RAS pathway related proteins Ribosomal proteins RNA polymerase related proteins T-cell receptor genes Transcription factors Transporters Voltage-gated ion channels
Biological process Molecular function Disease
Select options
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MT Unmapped X Y Select options
Any Adipose tissue Adrenal gland Appendix Bone marrow Breast Bronchus Cartilage Caudate Cerebellum Cerebral cortex Cervix Choroid plexus Colon Dorsal raphe Duodenum Endometrium Epididymis Esophagus Eye Fallopian tube Gallbladder Hair Heart muscle Hippocampus Hypothalamus Kidney Lactating breast Liver Lung Lymph node Nasopharynx Oral mucosa Ovary Pancreas Parathyroid gland Pituitary gland Placenta Prostate Rectum Retina Salivary gland Seminal vesicle Skeletal muscle Skin Small intestine Smooth muscle Soft tissue Sole of foot Spleen Stomach Substantia nigra Testis Thymus Thyroid gland Tonsil Urinary bladder Vagina
Cell type
Select options
Any Adipose tissue Adrenal gland Bone marrow Brain Breast Cervix Choroid plexus Endometrium Epididymis Esophagus Fallopian tube Gallbladder Heart muscle Intestine Kidney Liver Lung Lymphoid tissue Ovary Pancreas Parathyroid gland Pituitary gland Placenta Prostate Retina Salivary gland Seminal vesicle Skeletal muscle Skin Smooth muscle Stomach Testis Thyroid gland Tongue Urinary bladder Vagina Select options
Tissue enriched Group enriched Tissue enhanced Low tissue specificity Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in some Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
82:Adipose tissue - ECM organization 17:Adrenal gland - Steroid metabolism 14:B-cells - Humoral immune response 75:Bone marrow - mRNA splicing & Cell cycle 65:Brain - Ion transport 70:Brain - Nervous system development 10:Brain - Neuronal signaling 73:Brain - Neuropeptide signaling 6:Brain - Smell perception 58:Brain - Synaptic function 76:Brain & Bone marrow - Chromatin organization 32:Brain & Lymphoid tissue - Unknown function 27:Brain & Skin - Unknown function 5:Breast - Unknown function 69:Cerebellum - Gene expression regulation 88:Choroid plexus - Transmembrane transport 42:Ciliated cells - Cilium & Cell projection 49:Ciliated cells - Cilium organization 30:Epididymis - Antimicrobial activity 68:Epididymis - Unknown function 84:Esophagus - Epithelial cell function 89:Fibroblasts - ECM organization 44:Heart - Cardiac muscle contraction 38:Heart - Muscle contraction 16:Immune cells - Immune response 45:Intestine - Brush border 56:Intestine - Transmembrane transport 37:Intestine - Unknown function 87:Intestine & Kidney - Transmembrane transport 41:Intestine & Liver - Lipid metabolism 7:Kidney - Transmembrane transport 81:Kidney & Liver - Metabolism 62:Liver - Hemostasis 60:Liver - Hemostasis & Lipid metabolism 85:Liver - Metabolism 86:Liver & Placenta - Transport via ER 19:Lung - Lung function 66:Lymphoid tissue - Immune response regulation 64:Macrophages - Immune response 67:Neutrophils - Humoral immune response 40:Neutrophils - Inflammatory response 57:Non-specific - Angiogenesis 53:Non-specific - Cell cycle regulation 54:Non-specific - Microtubule organization 39:Non-specific - Mitochondria 55:Non-specific - Mitochondria & Proteasome 52:Non-specific - Ribosome 72:Non-specific - Transcription 59:Non-specific - Translation 51:Non-specific - Unknown function 29:Non-specific - Vesicular transport 25:Pancreas - Digestion 48:Parathyroid gland - membrane proteins 26:Pituitary gland - Hormone signaling 28:Placenta - Pregnancy 79:Retina - Phototransduction 77:Retina - Visual perception 20:Retina & Lymphoid tissues - Unknown function 24:Salivary gland - Salivary secretion 61:Skin - Cornification 31:Skin - Epidermis development 12:Smooth muscle tissue - Mixed function 11:Squamous epithelial cells - Epithelial cell function 4:Stomach - Digestion 33:Striated muscle - Muscle contraction 80:Striated muscle - Unknown function 63:T-cells - Adaptive immune response 23:Testis - Cell cycle regulation 71:Testis - DNA repair 83:Testis - Spermatogenesis 43:Testis - Unknown function 1:Thyroid gland - Transcription Select options
Enhanced Supported Approved Uncertain Select options
Brain region
Any Amygdala Basal ganglia Cerebellum Cerebral cortex Hippocampal formation Hypothalamus Medulla oblongata Midbrain Pons Spinal cord Thalamus White matter Select options
Region enriched Group enriched Region enhanced Low region specificity Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in some Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
Brain region
Any Amygdala Basal ganglia Cerebellum Cerebral cortex Hippocampal formation Hypothalamus Midbrain Olfactory bulb Pituitary gland Pons and medulla Retina Thalamus White matter Select options
Region enriched Group enriched Region enhanced Low region specificity Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in some Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
Brain region
Any Amygdala Basal ganglia Cerebellum Cerebral cortex Hippocampal formation Hypothalamus Medulla oblongata Midbrain Olfactory bulb Pituitary gland Pons Retina Spinal cord Thalamus White matter Select options
Region enriched Group enriched Region enhanced Low region specificity Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in some Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
Supported Approved Select options
Cell type
Any Adipocytes Alveolar cells type 1 Alveolar cells type 2 Astrocytes B-cells Basal keratinocytes Basal prostatic cells Basal respiratory cells Basal squamous epithelial cells Bipolar cells Breast glandular cells Breast myoepithelial cells Cardiomyocytes Cholangiocytes Club cells Collecting duct cells Cone photoreceptor cells Cytotrophoblasts Dendritic cells Distal enterocytes Distal tubular cells Ductal cells Early spermatids Endometrial ciliated cells Endometrial stromal cells Endothelial cells Enteroendocrine cells Erythroid cells Excitatory neurons Exocrine glandular cells Extravillous trophoblasts Fibroblasts Gastric mucus-secreting cells Glandular and luminal cells Granulocytes Granulosa cells Hepatic stellate cells Hepatocytes Hofbauer cells Horizontal cells Inhibitory neurons Intestinal goblet cells Ionocytes Kupffer cells Langerhans cells Late spermatids Leydig cells Macrophages Melanocytes Microglial cells Monocytes Muller glia cells NK-cells Oligodendrocyte precursor cells Oligodendrocytes Pancreatic endocrine cells Paneth cells Peritubular cells Plasma cells Prostatic glandular cells Proximal enterocytes Proximal tubular cells Respiratory ciliated cells Rod photoreceptor cells Sertoli cells Skeletal myocytes Smooth muscle cells Spermatocytes Spermatogonia Squamous epithelial cells Suprabasal keratinocytes Syncytiotrophoblasts T-cells Theca cells Undifferentiated cells Urothelial cells Select options
Cell type enriched Group enriched Cell type enhanced Low cell type specificity Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in some Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
14:Adipocytes & Endothelial cells - Angiogenesis 11:Alveolar cells - Smell perception 64:Astrocytes - Nervous system maintenance 57:B-cells - Immune response 56:Bipolar cells - Visual perception 54:Cardiomyocytes - Muscle contraction 43:Cardiomyocytes - Nuclear processes 49:Ciliated cells - Cilium organization 47:Cytotrophoblasts - Unknown function 29:Early spermatids - Spermatogenesis 44:Endometrium - Transcription 45:Enterocytes - Digestion 22:Epithelial cell types - Mixed function 6:Erythroid cells - Oxygen transport 38:Extravillous trophoblasts - Unknown function 50:Fibroblasts - ECM organization 35:Glandular cells - Unknown function 60:Granulocytes - Receptor signaling 40:Granulosa cells - Unknown function 15:Hepatocytes - Hemostasis 2:Hepatocytes - Metabolism 62:Horizontal cells - Visual perception 17:Intestinal endocrine cells - Hormone signaling 53:Intestinal epithelial cells - Unknown function 28:Keratinocytes - Keratinization 41:Macrophages - Immune response 4:Macrophages - Innate immune response 30:Mammary glandular cells - Lactation 3:Monocytes - Immune response regulation 19:Monocytes & Neutrophils - Innate immune response 27:Mucus-secreting cells - Mucin production 5:Muller glia cells - Visual perception 51:Myeloid cells - Hemostasis 37:Myocytes - Muscle contraction 21:Neurons & Oligodendrocytes - Neuronal signaling 8:Neurons & Oligodendrocytes - Synaptic function 63:NK-cells & T-cells - Immune response 39:Non-specific - Basic cellular processes 12:Non-specific - Cell cycle regulation 7:Non-specific - Mitochondria 59:Non-specific - Transcription 24:Non-specific - Transcription regulation 32:Non-specific - Translation 10:Non-specific - Unknown function 68:Oligodendrocytes - Mixed function 42:Oligodendrocytes - Myelin sheath organization 1:Pancreatic cells - Digestion 16:Pancreatic endocrine cells - Mixed function 46:Photoreceptor cells - Phototransduction 55:Plasma cells - Humoral immune response 65:Plasmacytoid DCs - Unknown function 67:Proximal tubular cells - Tubular reabsorption 26:Respiratory epithelial cells - Mucosal defense 48:Smooth muscle cells - ECM organization 23:Spermatids - Flagellum & Golgi organization 31:Spermatids - Spermatogenesis 34:Spermatids - Unknown function 66:Spermatocytes - Spermatogenesis 13:Spermatocytes & Spermatogonia - Spermatogenesis 20:Spermatogonia & Spermatocytes - Spermatogenesis 61:Squamous epithelial cells - Keratinization 36:Stromal cells - Cell proliferation 18:Syncytiotrophoblasts - Pregnancy hormone signaling 58:T-cells - T-cell receptor Select options
Adipose subcutaneous Adipose visceral Breast Colon Heart muscle Kidney Liver Lung Pancreas Prostate Skeletal muscle Skin Stomach Testis Thyroid
Cell type
Select options
Very high High Moderate Select options
Breast cancer Cervical cancer Colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer Endometrial cancer Glioma Head and neck cancer Liver cancer Lung cancer Lung cancer Melanoma Ovarian cancer Pancreatic cancer Prostate cancer Renal cancer Renal cancer Renal cancer Stomach cancer Testis cancer Thyroid cancer Urothelial cancer Select options
Favorable Unfavorable Select options
Any Breast cancer Cervical cancer Colorectal cancer Endometrial cancer Glioma Head and neck cancer Liver cancer Lung cancer Melanoma Ovarian cancer Pancreatic cancer Prostate cancer Renal cancer Stomach cancer Testis cancer Thyroid cancer Urothelial cancer Select options
Cancer enriched Group enriched Cancer enhanced Low cancer specificity Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in some Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
Cell type
Any Basophil Classical monocyte Eosinophil GdT-cell Intermediate monocyte MAIT T-cell Memory B-cell Memory CD4 T-cell Memory CD8 T-cell Myeloid DC Naive B-cell Naive CD4 T-cell Naive CD8 T-cell Neutrophil NK-cell Non-classical monocyte Plasmacytoid DC T-reg Total PBMC Select options
Immune cell enriched Group enriched Immune cell enhanced Low immune cell specificity Not detected in immune cells Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in some Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
Cell lineage
Any B-cells Dendritic cells Granulocytes Monocytes NK-cells T-cells Select options
Lineage enriched Group enriched Lineage enhanced Low lineage specificity Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
23:Antigen presenting cells - Antigen presentation 21:B-cells - Adaptive immune response 43:B-cells - Humoral immune response 37:B-cells - Transcription 24:B-cells - Unknown function 41:Basophils - Cellular respiration 46:Basophils - DNA binding 38:Basophils - Unknown function 18:Basophils - Vesicular transport 45:Eosinophils - Innate immune response 52:Eosinophils - Transcription 49:Eosinophils - Unknown function 36:GdT-cells - Adaptive immune response 5:Granulocytes - Unknown function 16:MAIT-cells - Unknown function 25:Monocytes - Inflammatory response 51:Monocytes - Innate immune response 14:Monocytes - Unknown function 28:Myeloid DCs - Unknown function 50:Neutrophils - Cellular senescence 33:Neutrophils - Chromatin organization 8:Neutrophils - Inflammatory response 9:Neutrophils - Innate immune response 1:Neutrophils - Mixed function 15:NK-cells - Transcription 48:NK-cells - Unknown function 12:Non-specific - Basic cellular processes 27:Non-specific - Gene expression 31:Non-specific - Inflammatory response 26:Non-specific - Mitochondria 39:Non-specific - mRNA processing 44:Non-specific - Transcription 30:Non-specific - Translation 47:Plasmacytoid DCs - Protein folding 29:Plasmacytoid DCs - Unknown function 20:T-cells - T-cell receptor 32:T-cells - Unknown function 4:T-regs - Cell cycle regulation 35:T-regs - Unknown function Select options
Immunoglobulin genes Intracellular and membrane Secreted - unknown location Secreted in brain Secreted in female reproductive system Secreted in male reproductive system Secreted in other tissues Secreted to blood Secreted to digestive system Secreted to extracellular matrix Select options
Actin filaments Aggresome Cell Junctions Centriolar satellite Centrosome Cleavage furrow Cytokinetic bridge Cytoplasmic bodies Cytosol Endoplasmic reticulum Endosomes Focal adhesion sites Golgi apparatus Intermediate filaments Kinetochore Lipid droplets Lysosomes Microtubule ends Microtubules Midbody Midbody ring Mitochondria Mitotic chromosome Mitotic spindle Nuclear bodies Nuclear membrane Nuclear speckles Nucleoli Nucleoli fibrillar center Nucleoli rim Nucleoplasm Peroxisomes Plasma membrane Rods & Rings Vesicles Select options
Enhanced Supported Approved Uncertain Intensity variation Spatial variation CCD protein mitotic structure CCD protein interphase Cell cycle dependent protein Cell cycle independent protein Cell cycle dependent transcript Cell cycle independent transcript Multilocalizing Localizing 1 Localizing 2 Localizing 3 Localizing 4 Localizing 5 Localizing 6 Main location Additional location Select options
Any Actin filaments Aggresome Cell Junctions Centriolar satellite Centrosome Cleavage furrow Cytokinetic bridge Cytoplasmic bodies Cytosol Endoplasmic reticulum Endosomes Focal adhesion sites Golgi apparatus Intermediate filaments Kinetochore Lipid droplets Lysosomes Microtubule ends Microtubules Midbody Midbody ring Mitochondria Mitotic chromosome Mitotic spindle Nuclear bodies Nuclear membrane Nuclear speckles Nucleoli Nucleoli fibrillar center Nucleoli rim Nucleoplasm Peroxisomes Plasma membrane Rods & Rings Vesicles Select options
Cell line
Protein Rna Select options
G1 S G2 Select options
Enhanced Supported Approved Uncertain Select options
Cell line
Any A-431 A549 AF22 AN3-CA ASC diff ASC TERT1 BEWO BJ BJ hTERT+ BJ hTERT+ SV40 Large T+ BJ hTERT+ SV40 Large T+ RasG12V CACO-2 CAPAN-2 Daudi EFO-21 FHDF/TERT166 GAMG HaCaT HAP1 HBEC3-KT HBF TERT88 HDLM-2 HEK 293 HEL HeLa Hep G2 HHSteC HL-60 HMC-1 HSkMC HTCEpi HTEC/SVTERT24-B HTERT-HME1 HTERT-RPE1 HUVEC TERT2 JURKAT K-562 Karpas-707 LHCN-M2 MCF7 MOLT-4 NB-4 NTERA-2 OE19 PC-3 REH RH-30 RPMI-8226 RPTEC TERT1 RT4 SCLC-21H SH-SY5Y SiHa SK-BR-3 SK-MEL-30 SuSa T-47d THP-1 TIME U-138 MG U-2 OS U-2197 U-251 MG U-266/70 U-266/84 U-698 U-87 MG U-937 WM-115 Select options
Cell line enriched Group enriched Cell line enhanced Low cell line specificity Not detected Detected in all Detected in many Detected in some Detected in single Is highest expressed Select options
23:AN3-CA - Transcription regulation 28:BEWO - Transcription regulation 10:BJ & FHDF - ECM organization 39:CACO-2 - Unknown function 38:EFO-21 - Unknown function 42:Epithelial cell lines - Epithelial cell function 30:Epithelial cell lines - Translation 44:HDLM-2 - Immune response 19:HEK293 & PC-3 - Transcription regulation 36:HEL - Hemostasis 20:HeLa - Mitochondria 37:Hep G2 - Hepatocyte cell processes 3:HMC-1 - Innate immune response 22:JURKAT & MOLT-4 - Adaptive immune response 1:K-562 - Erythropoiesis 2:Karpas-707 - Immune response 4:Mesenchymal cell lines - Antiviral immune response 34:Mesenchymal cell lines - ECM organization 24:NB-4 - Immune response 12:NES - Nervous system development 40:Non-specific - Basic cellular processes 26:Non-specific - Cell cycle regulation 5:NTERA-2 - Transcription 21:OE19 - Mitochondria 14:REH - Unknown function 31:RH-30 & LHCN-M2 - Muscle contraction 11:RPE1 & U-87MG - Synaptic function 25:RPMI-8226 - Immune response 35:RPTEC-TERT1 - Kidney processes 15:RT4 - Unknown function 7:SCLC-21H - Neuronal signaling 13:SH-SY5Y - Nervous system development 8:SK-BR-3 - Unknown function 33:SK-MEL-30 - Melanocyte processes 6:T47d - Mammary gland 43:THP-1 - Innate immune response 41:TIME & HUVEC/TERT2 - Endothelial cell function 9:U-2 OS - Unknown function 18:U-2197 - ECM organization 29:U-266 - Adaptive immune response 16:U-266 - Nucleosome 27:U-698-M & Daudi - Adaptive immune response 32:U-937 - Innate immune response 17:WM-115 - Nervous system development Select options
Acyl-CoA hydrolysis Acylglycerides metabolism Alanine; aspartate and glutamate metabolism Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis Androgen metabolism Arachidonic acid metabolism Arginine and proline metabolism Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism Beta oxidation of branched-chain fatty acids (mitochondrial) Beta oxidation of di-unsaturated fatty acids (n-6) (mitochondrial) Beta oxidation of di-unsaturated fatty acids (n-6) (peroxisomal) Beta oxidation of even-chain fatty acids (mitochondrial) Beta oxidation of even-chain fatty acids (peroxisomal) Beta oxidation of odd-chain fatty acids (mitochondrial) Beta oxidation of phytanic acid (peroxisomal) Beta oxidation of poly-unsaturated fatty acids (mitochondrial) Beta oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (n-7) (mitochondrial) Beta oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (n-7) (peroxisomal) Beta oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (n-9) (mitochondrial) Beta oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (n-9) (peroxisomal) Beta-alanine metabolism Bile acid biosynthesis Bile acid recycling Biopterin metabolism Biotin metabolism Blood group biosynthesis Butanoate metabolism C5-branched dibasic acid metabolism Carnitine shuttle (cytosolic) Carnitine shuttle (endoplasmic reticular) Carnitine shuttle (mitochondrial) Carnitine shuttle (peroxisomal) Cholesterol biosynthesis 1 (Bloch pathway) Cholesterol biosynthesis 2 Cholesterol biosynthesis 3 (Kandustch-Russell pathway) Cholesterol metabolism Chondroitin / heparan sulfate biosynthesis Chondroitin sulfate degradation CoA synthesis Cysteine and methionine metabolism Drug metabolism Eicosanoid metabolism Estrogen metabolism Ether lipid metabolism Fatty acid activation (cytosolic) Fatty acid activation (endoplasmic reticular) Fatty acid biosynthesis Fatty acid biosynthesis (even-chain) Fatty acid biosynthesis (odd-chain) Fatty acid biosynthesis (unsaturated) Fatty acid desaturation (even-chain) Fatty acid desaturation (odd-chain) Fatty acid elongation (even-chain) Fatty acid elongation (odd-chain) Fatty acid oxidation Folate metabolism Formation and hydrolysis of cholesterol esters Fructose and mannose metabolism Galactose metabolism Glucocorticoid biosynthesis Glutathione metabolism Glycerolipid metabolism Glycerophospholipid metabolism Glycine; serine and threonine metabolism Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis-ganglio series Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis-globo series Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis-lacto and neolacto series Glycosphingolipid metabolism Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis Heme degradation Heme synthesis Heparan sulfate degradation Histidine metabolism Inositol phosphate metabolism Isolated Keratan sulfate biosynthesis Keratan sulfate degradation Leukotriene metabolism Linoleate metabolism Lipoic acid metabolism Lysine metabolism Metabolism of other amino acids Miscellaneous N-glycan metabolism Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism Nucleotide metabolism O-glycan metabolism Omega-3 fatty acid metabolism Omega-6 fatty acid metabolism Oxidative phosphorylation Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis Pentose and glucuronate interconversions Pentose phosphate pathway Phenylalanine metabolism Phenylalanine; tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis Phosphatidylinositol phosphate metabolism Pool reactions Porphyrin metabolism Propanoate metabolism Prostaglandin biosynthesis Protein assembly Protein degradation Protein modification Purine metabolism Pyrimidine metabolism Pyruvate metabolism Retinol metabolism Riboflavin metabolism ROS detoxification Serotonin and melatonin biosynthesis Sphingolipid metabolism Starch and sucrose metabolism Steroid metabolism Sulfur metabolism Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis Thiamine metabolism Transport reactions Tricarboxylic acid cycle and glyoxylate/dicarboxylate metabolism Tryptophan metabolism Tyrosine metabolism Ubiquinone synthesis Urea cycle Valine; leucine; and isoleucine metabolism Vitamin A metabolism Vitamin B12 metabolism Vitamin B2 metabolism Vitamin B6 metabolism Vitamin C metabolism Vitamin D metabolism Vitamin E metabolism Xenobiotics metabolism Select options
Evidence at protein level Evidence at transcript level No human protein/transcript evidence Select options
Evidence at protein level Evidence at transcript level No human protein/transcript evidence Select options
Evidence at protein level Evidence at transcript level No human protein/transcript evidence Select options
Evidence at protein level Evidence at transcript level No human protein/transcript evidence Select options
Supported Approved Uncertain Select options
Enhanced - Capture Enhanced - Genetic Enhanced - Independent Enhanced - Orthogonal Enhanced - Recombinant Supported Approved Uncertain Select options
Enhanced - Independent Enhanced - Orthogonal Supported Approved Uncertain Select options
Enhanced - Genetic Enhanced - Independent Enhanced - Recombinant Supported Approved Uncertain Select options
In atlas
Tissue Cell Pathology Brain Blood - conc. immunoassay Blood - conc. mass spectrometry Blood - detected pea Select options
Gene Position Tissue specific score Prognostic Reliability (IF) Reliability (IH)