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CLCN4Chloride voltage-gated channel 4
CLEC17AC-type lectin domain containing 17A
CLEC20AC-type lectin domain containing 20A
CNN3Calponin 3
CNTNAP2Contactin associated protein 2
COL19A1Collagen type XIX alpha 1 chain
COX4I2Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4I2
CR2Complement C3d receptor 2
CRMP1Collapsin response mediator protein 1
CXCR4C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4
CXCR5C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 5
DBNDD1Dysbindin domain containing 1
DCAF4DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4
DENND4ADENN domain containing 4A
DIP2CDisco interacting protein 2 homolog C
DIPK1BDivergent protein kinase domain 1B
DMRTC1DMRT like family C1
DPF3Double PHD fingers 3
DSCAML1DS cell adhesion molecule like 1
EFCAB13EF-hand calcium binding domain 13
EPB41L5Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 5
FAM177BFamily with sequence similarity 177 member B
FAM20BFAM20B glycosaminoglycan xylosylkinase
FBXO44F-box protein 44
FCER2Fc fragment of IgE receptor II
FCMRFc fragment of IgM receptor
FCRL1Fc receptor like 1
FCRL3Fc receptor like 3
FCRL5Fc receptor like 5
FLT1Fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 1
FMO1Flavin containing dimethylaniline monoxygenase 1
FP565260.3ICOS ligand
GARRE1Granule associated Rac and RHOG effector 1
GCOM1GRINL1A complex locus 1
GLYATL1BGlycine-N-acyltransferase like 1B
GNB5G protein subunit beta 5
GNG8G protein subunit gamma 8
H1-3H1.3 linker histone, cluster member
H2AC12H2A clustered histone 12
H2AC16H2A clustered histone 16
H4C13H4 clustered histone 13
HEATR4HEAT repeat containing 4
HIP1RHuntingtin interacting protein 1 related
HIRAHistone cell cycle regulator
HSF5Heat shock transcription factor 5
HVCN1Hydrogen voltage gated channel 1
ID3Inhibitor of DNA binding 3, HLH protein
IGHDImmunoglobulin heavy constant delta
IGHD2-2Immunoglobulin heavy diversity 2-2
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