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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
AC026464.6Novel protein, COG8-PDF readthrough
DDX19ADEAD-box helicase 19A
DDX19BDEAD-box helicase 19B
DHODHDihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone)
E2F4E2F transcription factor 4
EMC8ER membrane protein complex subunit 8
NIP7Nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein NIP7
NOB1NIN1 (RPN12) binding protein 1 homolog
NUTF2Nuclear transport factor 2
PSMD7Proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 7
RNPS1RNA binding protein with serine rich domain 1
TERF2Telomeric repeat binding factor 2
USP10Ubiquitin specific peptidase 10
UTP4UTP4 small subunit processome component
VPS4AVacuolar protein sorting 4 homolog A
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