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Gene descriptioni x
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Single celli
Tissue celli
Cell linei
SLFN5Schlafen family member 5
SPEF2Sperm flagellar 2
SPOCK2SPARC (osteonectin), cwcv and kazal like domains proteoglycan 2
TCF7Transcription factor 7
THEMISThymocyte selection associated
TJP3Tight junction protein 3
TMEM171Transmembrane protein 171
TNFRSF25TNF receptor superfamily member 25
TRACT cell receptor alpha constant
TRAJ14T cell receptor alpha joining 14
TRAJ16T cell receptor alpha joining 16
TRAJ20T cell receptor alpha joining 20
TRAJ24T cell receptor alpha joining 24
TRAJ25T cell receptor alpha joining 25 (non-functional)
TRAJ27T cell receptor alpha joining 27
TRAJ3T cell receptor alpha joining 3
TRAJ32T cell receptor alpha joining 32
TRAJ35T cell receptor alpha joining 35 (non-functional)
TRAJ4T cell receptor alpha joining 4
TRAJ5T cell receptor alpha joining 5
TRAJ6T cell receptor alpha joining 6
TRAJ7T cell receptor alpha joining 7
TRAV1-1T cell receptor alpha variable 1-1
TRAV10T cell receptor alpha variable 10
TRAV12-1T cell receptor alpha variable 12-1
TRAV13-2T cell receptor alpha variable 13-2
TRAV4T cell receptor alpha variable 4
TRAV5T cell receptor alpha variable 5
TRAV6T cell receptor alpha variable 6
TRAV8-1T cell receptor alpha variable 8-1
TRAV8-2T cell receptor alpha variable 8-2
TRBJ1-5T cell receptor beta joining 1-5
TRBJ2-2T cell receptor beta joining 2-2
TRBJ2-2PT cell receptor beta joining 2-2P (non-functional)
TRBJ2-3T cell receptor beta joining 2-3
TRBJ2-7T cell receptor beta joining 2-7
TRBV10-1T cell receptor beta variable 10-1
TRBV11-3T cell receptor beta variable 11-3
TRBV15T cell receptor beta variable 15
TRBV25-1T cell receptor beta variable 25-1
TRBV29-1T cell receptor beta variable 29-1
TRGJ1T cell receptor gamma joining 1
TRGJ2T cell receptor gamma joining 2
TRGV8T cell receptor gamma variable 8
TTC39BTetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B
UBASH3AUbiquitin associated and SH3 domain containing A
WNT1Wnt family member 1
XPNPEP2X-prolyl aminopeptidase 2
ZAP70Zeta chain of T cell receptor associated protein kinase 70
ZBTB16Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 16
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