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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
AC013489.1Novel transcript
AC092143.1Novel protein (MC1R-TUBB3 readthrough)
ACSF2Acyl-CoA synthetase family member 2
AGBL5ATP/GTP binding protein like 5
AIDAAxin interactor, dorsalization associated
AKNAD1AKNA domain containing 1
ANKRD54Ankyrin repeat domain 54
ARHGEF28Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 28
ASRGL1Asparaginase and isoaspartyl peptidase 1
BUD31BUD31 homolog
C10orf67Chromosome 10 open reading frame 67
CCDC117Coiled-coil domain containing 117
CCDC57Coiled-coil domain containing 57
CDC42EP4CDC42 effector protein 4
CDK16Cyclin dependent kinase 16
CENPECentromere protein E
CEP131Centrosomal protein 131
CEP170BCentrosomal protein 170B
CFAP99Cilia and flagella associated protein 99
CHMP5Charged multivesicular body protein 5
CKAP2Cytoskeleton associated protein 2
CKAP2LCytoskeleton associated protein 2 like
CLNS1AChloride nucleotide-sensitive channel 1A
CORO7-PAM16CORO7-PAM16 readthrough
CRY1Cryptochrome circadian regulator 1
CRYBB3Crystallin beta B3
CRYBG1Crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 1
DAPL1Death associated protein like 1
DCTN1Dynactin subunit 1
DET1DET1 partner of COP1 E3 ubiquitin ligase
DZIP1LDAZ interacting zinc finger protein 1 like
EMILIN3Elastin microfibril interfacer 3
EXOC1Exocyst complex component 1
FRYLFRY like transcription coactivator
HIGD1BHIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 1B
HMMRHyaluronan mediated motility receptor
HPF1Histone PARylation factor 1
IQCB1IQ motif containing B1
IRAK4Interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 4
IRX5Iroquois homeobox 5
KATNB1Katanin regulatory subunit B1
LRRC25Leucine rich repeat containing 25
MAP4Microtubule associated protein 4
NAE1NEDD8 activating enzyme E1 subunit 1
NEK8NIMA related kinase 8
NINLNinein like
NUAK1NUAK family kinase 1
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