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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
AC007325.2Proline dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial
AC007325.4Protein DGCR6
AC007326.4Novel protein
AC007906.2Novel protein
AC008770.4Zinc finger protein 844
AC009779.3Novel protein
AC010522.1Novel protein
AC011043.1Uncharacterized LOC389831
AC011448.1Novel protein
AC011462.1Novel protein
AC011479.1Novel protein
AC012184.2Novel protein, DDX19B and DDX19A readthrough
AC012213.5Novel protein
AC013394.1Novel protein
AC015802.6Novel protein
AC018755.2Novel transcript, sense intronic to AC018755.18
AC022150.4Novel zinc finger protein
AC024592.3Novel protein
AC026316.4Novel protein
AC026464.3Novel protein
AC026464.4Novel protein
AC026464.6Novel protein, COG8-PDF readthrough
AC034102.2Novel protein
AC058822.1Novel FIP1L1-PDGFRA fusion protein
AC068580.4Novel protein
AC068631.2Novel protein
AC069544.1Zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 29
AC073896.1Novel protein
AC087721.2Novel protein
AC090517.4Zinc finger protein 280D
AC091959.1Novel readthrough transcript
AC092718.2Novel protein
AC093155.3Novel protein
AC093323.1Novel protein, similar to Morf4 family associated protein 1
AC093512.2Uncharaterized LOC112694756
AC093827.5Novel protein
AC099850.2Novel protein
AC116366.1Novel protein
AC126283.1Novel protein
AC135068.1Novel protein, identical to IGHV4-4
AC135068.5Novel gene identicle to IGHV1OR15-1
AC138969.1Novel member of the nuclear pore complex interacting protein NPIP gene family
AC233755.1Immunoglobulin heavy variable 4-38-2-like
AC240274.1Neuroblastoma breakpoint family member 1
AC244197.3Novel protein
ACAA1Acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 1
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