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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
ABRAXAS2Abraxas 2, BRISC complex subunit
ABT1Activator of basal transcription 1
ABTB1Ankyrin repeat and BTB domain containing 1
ABTB2Ankyrin repeat and BTB domain containing 2
AC002996.1Novel protein
AC003002.2Novel protein
AC004556.339S ribosomal protein L23, mitochondrial
AC005154.5Novel protein
AC005702.1Novel protein
AC005833.1Novel protein
AC007325.2Proline dehydrogenase 1, mitochondrial
AC007325.4Protein DGCR6
AC007326.4Novel protein
AC007906.2Novel protein
AC008397.2Novel protein
AC009412.1Novel protein
AC009779.3Novel protein
AC010522.1Novel protein
AC010980.1Novel protein, ortholog of Gm2102 (M. musculus)
AC011043.1Uncharacterized LOC389831
AC011448.1Novel protein
AC012213.5Novel protein
AC012254.6Elongin A3 family member B
AC012254.7Elongin A3
AC013394.1Novel protein
AC013470.2Novel protein
AC013477.1Novel protein
AC015802.6Novel protein
AC020907.6Novel protein
AC022150.4Novel zinc finger protein
AC022414.1Phosphodiesterase 8B
AC026316.4Novel protein
AC026464.4Novel protein
AC026464.6Novel protein, COG8-PDF readthrough
AC055839.2Uncharacterized LOC728392
AC063943.2Novel protein
AC064824.1Novel protein, SRD5A3-RP11-177J6.1 readthrough
AC068533.4Novel protein
AC068580.4Novel protein
AC068631.2Novel protein
AC068775.1Novel protein
AC069368.1Novel protein
AC069544.1Zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 29
AC072022.2BCL6 antisense 1
AC073896.1Novel protein
AC079741.2Novel protein
AC084756.2Novel protein
AC090517.4Zinc finger protein 280D
AC091959.1Novel readthrough transcript
AC092647.5Novel zinc finger protein 713 (ZNF713) and mitochondrial ribosomal protein S17 (MRPS17) protein
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