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NKX3-1NK3 homeobox 1
NPYNeuropeptide Y
OBP2BOdorant binding protein 2B
OPRPNOpiorphin prepropeptide
PATZ1POZ/BTB and AT hook containing zinc finger 1
PI15Peptidase inhibitor 15
PIPProlactin induced protein
PLA2G4DPhospholipase A2 group IVD
POLR2MRNA polymerase II subunit M
PRR36Proline rich 36
PYDC1Pyrin domain containing 1
RASEFRAS and EF-hand domain containing
RASL10ARAS like family 10 member A
RLN1Relaxin 1
RNF103Ring finger protein 103
RNF223Ring finger protein 223
RPRD1BRegulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 1B
RUNX1RUNX family transcription factor 1
SCARB2Scavenger receptor class B member 2
SCGB2A2Secretoglobin family 2A member 2
SCUBE2Signal peptide, CUB domain and EGF like domain containing 2
SERHL2Serine hydrolase like 2
SFRP1Secreted frizzled related protein 1
SGK3Serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase family member 3
SH3BP4SH3 domain binding protein 4
SHISA2Shisa family member 2
SLC39A6Solute carrier family 39 member 6
SLC45A3Solute carrier family 45 member 3
SNORCSecondary ossification center associated regulator of chondrocyte maturation
SOX10SRY-box transcription factor 10
SPACA6Sperm acrosome associated 6
SPINK14Serine peptidase inhibitor Kazal type 14 (putative)
SPTSSBSerine palmitoyltransferase small subunit B
STC2Stanniocalcin 2
STEAP2STEAP2 metalloreductase
SYCE1LSynaptonemal complex central element protein 1 like
SYNE4Spectrin repeat containing nuclear envelope family member 4
TBC1D9TBC1 domain family member 9
TENT5BTerminal nucleotidyltransferase 5B
TGM4Transglutaminase 4
TMEM238Transmembrane protein 238
TMEM26Transmembrane protein 26
TNFSF11TNF superfamily member 11
TNK1Tyrosine kinase non receptor 1
TTC6Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 6
UGT2B11UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B11
UPK3AUroplakin 3A
VSIG10L2V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like 2
XBP1X-box binding protein 1
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