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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
PPP1R1AProtein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 1A
PPP2R5AProtein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B'alpha
PPP4R3BProtein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 3B
PRDX2Peroxiredoxin 2
PRDX3Peroxiredoxin 3
PRDX4Peroxiredoxin 4
PRG4Proteoglycan 4
PRPSAP1Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase associated protein 1
PTDSS1Phosphatidylserine synthase 1
PTPRFProtein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type F
PTPRKProtein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K
PXYLP12-phosphoxylose phosphatase 1
RAB4ARAB4A, member RAS oncogene family
RAB5BRAB5B, member RAS oncogene family
RAD23BRAD23 homolog B, nucleotide excision repair protein
RAPGEF4Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 4
RDH11Retinol dehydrogenase 11
REEP5Receptor accessory protein 5
REPS2RALBP1 associated Eps domain containing 2
RGPD3RANBP2 like and GRIP domain containing 3
RNASE13Ribonuclease A family member 13 (inactive)
RNF130Ring finger protein 130
RNF170Ring finger protein 170
RNF5Ring finger protein 5
RNLSRenalase, FAD dependent amine oxidase
RORCRAR related orphan receptor C
RTP3Receptor transporter protein 3
RWDD2BRWD domain containing 2B
SAA4Serum amyloid A4, constitutive
SAR1BSecretion associated Ras related GTPase 1B
SCAISuppressor of cancer cell invasion
SCARB2Scavenger receptor class B member 2
SCNN1DSodium channel epithelial 1 subunit delta
SCYL3SCY1 like pseudokinase 3
SDHASuccinate dehydrogenase complex flavoprotein subunit A
SDHAF3Succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 3
SDHBSuccinate dehydrogenase complex iron sulfur subunit B
SEC11CSEC11 homolog C, signal peptidase complex subunit
SEC14L3SEC14 like lipid binding 3
SEC31BSEC31 homolog B, COPII coat complex component
SEC63SEC63 homolog, protein translocation regulator
SELENOPSelenoprotein P
SEMA6CSemaphorin 6C
SEPHS1Selenophosphate synthetase 1
SERINC1Serine incorporator 1
SERPINA1Serpin family A member 1
SERPINA10Serpin family A member 10
SERPING1Serpin family G member 1
SFXN2Sideroflexin 2
SGMS1Sphingomyelin synthase 1
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