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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
ACDACD shelterin complex subunit and telomerase recruitment factor
C19orf44Chromosome 19 open reading frame 44
CDK9Cyclin dependent kinase 9
CTSFCathepsin F
DVL2Dishevelled segment polarity protein 2
GLI2GLI family zinc finger 2
LAS1LLAS1 like ribosome biogenesis factor
MRNIPMRN complex interacting protein
NAB2NGFI-A binding protein 2
RAB3IL1RAB3A interacting protein like 1
SNAPC2Small nuclear RNA activating complex polypeptide 2
SNCAIPSynuclein alpha interacting protein
TAS2R19Taste 2 receptor member 19
TUSC1Tumor suppressor candidate 1
WFS1Wolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein
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