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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
RNF34Ring finger protein 34
RNF4Ring finger protein 4
RNF41Ring finger protein 41
RNPEPL1Arginyl aminopeptidase like 1
RORCRAR related orphan receptor C
RP2RP2 activator of ARL3 GTPase
RPA2Replication protein A2
RPL4Ribosomal protein L4
RSBN1Round spermatid basic protein 1
RTEL1Regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1
RTN1Reticulon 1
RXRGRetinoid X receptor gamma
S100A14S100 calcium binding protein A14
SAFB2Scaffold attachment factor B2
SAGE1Sarcoma antigen 1
SAP18Sin3A associated protein 18
SAP25Sin3A associated protein 25
SASH3SAM and SH3 domain containing 3
SATB1SATB homeobox 1
SBF1SET binding factor 1
SCAF11SR-related CTD associated factor 11
SCARF2Scavenger receptor class F member 2
SCHIP1Schwannomin interacting protein 1
SCMH1Scm polycomb group protein homolog 1
SCN1ASodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 1
SCRT1Scratch family transcriptional repressor 1
SCYL3SCY1 like pseudokinase 3
SEMA6ASemaphorin 6A
SENP7SUMO specific peptidase 7
SERF1ASmall EDRK-rich factor 1A
SERF1BSmall EDRK-rich factor 1B
SETBP1SET binding protein 1
SFT2D1SFT2 domain containing 1
SGO2Shugoshin 2
SH3BGRL3SH3 domain binding glutamate rich protein like 3
SH3BP5SH3 domain binding protein 5
SHCBP1SHC binding and spindle associated 1
SHISA2Shisa family member 2
SIM2SIM bHLH transcription factor 2
SIPA1L2Signal induced proliferation associated 1 like 2
SIRPB2Signal regulatory protein beta 2
SKISKI proto-oncogene
SKIDA1SKI/DACH domain containing 1
SKIV2LSki2 like RNA helicase
SLC27A6Solute carrier family 27 member 6
SLC3A1Solute carrier family 3 member 1
SLC5A7Solute carrier family 5 member 7
SLTMSAFB like transcription modulator
SMAD6SMAD family member 6
SMCHD1Structural maintenance of chromosomes flexible hinge domain containing 1
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