Multiplex tissue image of the month - SGO1 in testis

News image of the month april 2024 SGO1.JPG

Multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF) reveals nuclear expression of the protein Shugoshin 1 (gene: SGO1) in pachytene/diplotene spermatocytes - the early cell states of developing sperm cells.

Simultaneous staining of various cell states/types in testis and SGO1 - a protein known to be involved in the organization of chromosomes during the early phase of mitotic cell division - shows localization (green) mainly to the nucleus of pachytene/diplotene spermatocytes (cyan) and to a less degree within the nucleus of leptotene spermatocytes (teal). These are different early cell states within spermatogenesis, in where the developing spermatocytes are undergoing meiosis.

The spatial expression pattern is further validated by single-cell RNA sequencing data that shows elevated expression in male and female germ cells. Among male germ cells, the highest expression is found in spermatocytes in agreement with the mIHC/IF data.

For more details about the mIHC/IF technique visit our method page, and Human Protein Atlas single-cell RNA sequencing data is available here.