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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
RNF168Ring finger protein 168
RORBRAR related orphan receptor B
RPS20Ribosomal protein S20
RUFY3RUN and FYVE domain containing 3
RUNX1RUNX family transcription factor 1
SAMD13Sterile alpha motif domain containing 13
SASH3SAM and SH3 domain containing 3
SATB1SATB homeobox 1
SCAISuppressor of cancer cell invasion
SCN3ASodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 3
SEC31BSEC31 homolog B, COPII coat complex component
SECISBP2SECIS binding protein 2
SEMA4DSemaphorin 4D
SEPTIN1Septin 1
SEPTIN6Septin 6
SEPTIN9Septin 9
SH2D1ASH2 domain containing 1A
SH3TC1SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 1
SHQ1SHQ1, H/ACA ribonucleoprotein assembly factor
SIX6SIX homeobox 6
SLAIN1SLAIN motif family member 1
SLBPStem-loop binding protein
SLC32A1Solute carrier family 32 member 1
SLIT1Slit guidance ligand 1
SMARCAD1SWI/SNF-related, matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, containing DEAD/H box 1
SMARCE1SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily e, member 1
SMIM17Small integral membrane protein 17
SMIM43Small integral membrane protein 43
SNTNSentan, cilia apical structure protein
SOCS7Suppressor of cytokine signaling 7
SOX4SRY-box transcription factor 4
SPACA9Sperm acrosome associated 9
SRPK2SRSF protein kinase 2
SSH2Slingshot protein phosphatase 2
STAG2Stromal antigen 2
STAT5BSignal transducer and activator of transcription 5B
STAU2Staufen double-stranded RNA binding protein 2
STT3BSTT3 oligosaccharyltransferase complex catalytic subunit B
STXBP5LSyntaxin binding protein 5 like
SUMO2Small ubiquitin like modifier 2
SYCE2Synaptonemal complex central element protein 2
SYNRGSynergin gamma
TADA2ATranscriptional adaptor 2A
TAPT1Transmembrane anterior posterior transformation 1
TASP1Taspase 1
TBCDTubulin folding cofactor D
TCF20Transcription factor 20
TCF7Transcription factor 7
TCFL5Transcription factor like 5
TENM1Teneurin transmembrane protein 1
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