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ABCE1ATP binding cassette subfamily E member 1
AC010422.5Novel protein
AKT2AKT serine/threonine kinase 2
APPL1Adaptor protein, phosphotyrosine interacting with PH domain and leucine zipper 1
ATF1Activating transcription factor 1
ATP5MF-PTCD1ATP5MF-PTCD1 readthrough
BCL2BCL2 apoptosis regulator
BCL2L12BCL2 like 12
BTF3L4Basic transcription factor 3 like 4
BYSLBystin like
C10orf143Chromosome 10 open reading frame 143
CCT7Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 7
CDYLChromodomain Y like
CHRAC1Chromatin accessibility complex subunit 1
CSTF2TCleavage stimulation factor subunit 2 tau variant
CTDSP2CTD small phosphatase 2
DDX23DEAD-box helicase 23
DDX3XDEAD-box helicase 3 X-linked
DDX42DEAD-box helicase 42
DET1DET1 partner of COP1 E3 ubiquitin ligase
DIS3LDIS3 like exosome 3'-5' exoribonuclease
DNAJC13DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C13
DNAJC8DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C8
DPH5Diphthamide biosynthesis 5
EEF1AKNMTEEF1A lysine and N-terminal methyltransferase
EFTUD2Elongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 2
EIF2AEukaryotic translation initiation factor 2A
EIF2DEukaryotic translation initiation factor 2D
EIF3IEukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit I
EIF4BEukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B
EIF4G2Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 2
ESYT2Extended synaptotagmin 2
EXOC7Exocyst complex component 7
EXOSC2Exosome component 2
FOXJ2Forkhead box J2
FTSJ3FtsJ RNA 2'-O-methyltransferase 3
GEMIN5Gem nuclear organelle associated protein 5
GNL3LG protein nucleolar 3 like
GTF2IRD2BGTF2I repeat domain containing 2B
GTF3AGeneral transcription factor IIIA
HAT1Histone acetyltransferase 1
HIVEP2HIVEP zinc finger 2
HOXC8Homeobox C8
IRS1Insulin receptor substrate 1
JMYJunction mediating and regulatory protein, p53 cofactor
KANSL3KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 3
KARS1Lysyl-tRNA synthetase 1
KDM3BLysine demethylase 3B
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