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CRELD1Cysteine rich with EGF like domains 1
CSNK1ECasein kinase 1 epsilon
CTAGE1Cutaneous T cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1
CTNSCystinosin, lysosomal cystine transporter
CX3CR1C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1
CXCR2C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 2
CYB561A3Cytochrome b561 family member A3
CYBC1Cytochrome b-245 chaperone 1
CYBRD1Cytochrome b reductase 1
CYC1Cytochrome c1
CYHR1Cysteine and histidine rich 1
CYP19A1Cytochrome P450 family 19 subfamily A member 1
CYP1A2Cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily A member 2
CYP1B1Cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B member 1
CYP2D6Cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 6
CYP3A4Cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 4
CYP3A43Cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 43
CYP3A5Cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 5
CYP4F22Cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 22
DAD1Defender against cell death 1
DCHS2Dachsous cadherin-related 2
DDR1Discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 1
DENND4CDENN domain containing 4C
DENND5BDENN domain containing 5B
DERL1Derlin 1
DGAT2Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2
DHCR2424-dehydrocholesterol reductase
DHCR77-dehydrocholesterol reductase
DHRS7BDehydrogenase/reductase 7B
DMAC1Distal membrane arm assembly complex 1
DNAJC25DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C25
DPM2Dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase subunit 2, regulatory
DPY19L4Dpy-19 like 4
DSEDermatan sulfate epimerase
DSELDermatan sulfate epimerase like
DUOXA1Dual oxidase maturation factor 1
EDNRBEndothelin receptor type B
EDRF1Erythroid differentiation regulatory factor 1
EI24EI24 autophagy associated transmembrane protein
EIF2AK3Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3
ELOVL6ELOVL fatty acid elongase 6
EMC3ER membrane protein complex subunit 3
EMC4ER membrane protein complex subunit 4
EMC6ER membrane protein complex subunit 6
EMP1Epithelial membrane protein 1
EMP3Epithelial membrane protein 3
ENTPD1Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1
ENTPD4Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 4
ENTPD7Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7
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