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ARHGEF19Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 19
BABAM1BRISC and BRCA1 A complex member 1
BCL9BCL9 transcription coactivator
BLMHBleomycin hydrolase
C2orf16Chromosome 2 open reading frame 16
CD207CD207 molecule
CGNL1Cingulin like 1
CREBBPCREB binding protein
DEPTORDEP domain containing MTOR interacting protein
DHX35DEAH-box helicase 35
DIPK1BDivergent protein kinase domain 1B
DISP1Dispatched RND transporter family member 1
DNAAF3Dynein axonemal assembly factor 3
DRG1Developmentally regulated GTP binding protein 1
EHMT1Euchromatic histone lysine methyltransferase 1
FAM122AFamily with sequence similarity 122A
FANCD2FA complementation group D2
GTF2BGeneral transcription factor IIB
HOXD3Homeobox D3
INCA1Inhibitor of CDK, cyclin A1 interacting protein 1
INTS14Integrator complex subunit 14
JRKJrk helix-turn-helix protein
KCTD13Potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 13
KREMEN1Kringle containing transmembrane protein 1
LSG1Large 60S subunit nuclear export GTPase 1
MAML2Mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 2
MDC1Mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1
MED7Mediator complex subunit 7
MKNK2MAPK interacting serine/threonine kinase 2
MRPL36Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L36
MTMR10Myotubularin related protein 10
NCOA7Nuclear receptor coactivator 7
NUP210LNucleoporin 210 like
PCNAProliferating cell nuclear antigen
PCNPPEST proteolytic signal containing nuclear protein
PHTF1Putative homeodomain transcription factor 1
PLAGL1PLAG1 like zinc finger 1
PLXDC2Plexin domain containing 2
PMS1PMS1 homolog 1, mismatch repair system component
POLE2DNA polymerase epsilon 2, accessory subunit
PRDM8PR/SET domain 8
PUS10Pseudouridine synthase 10
RPS6KA4Ribosomal protein S6 kinase A4
SCMH1Scm polycomb group protein homolog 1
SH3BP5SH3 domain binding protein 5
SIM2SIM bHLH transcription factor 2
SIPA1L2Signal induced proliferation associated 1 like 2
STAG1Stromal antigen 1
TDP2Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 2
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