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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Metabolici
GALMGalactose mutarotase
GARRE1Granule associated Rac and RHOG effector 1
GATA1GATA binding protein 1
GATA2GATA binding protein 2
GATA3GATA binding protein 3
GATA6GATA binding protein 6
GATAD1GATA zinc finger domain containing 1
GATAD2AGATA zinc finger domain containing 2A
GATAD2BGATA zinc finger domain containing 2B
GATD1Glutamine amidotransferase like class 1 domain containing 1
GBX2Gastrulation brain homeobox 2
GCFC2GC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor 2
GCHFRGTP cyclohydrolase I feedback regulator
GCNAGerm cell nuclear acidic peptidase
GCOM1GRINL1A complex locus 1
GDAGuanine deaminase
GEN1GEN1 Holliday junction 5' flap endonuclease
GINS1GINS complex subunit 1
GINS2GINS complex subunit 2
GINS3GINS complex subunit 3
GLIS2GLIS family zinc finger 2
GLIS3GLIS family zinc finger 3
GMEB1Glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 1
GMPPAGDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase A
GPATCH11G-patch domain containing 11
GPCPD1Glycerophosphocholine phosphodiesterase 1
GPKOWG-patch domain and KOW motifs
GPS2G protein pathway suppressor 2
GRHL2Grainyhead like transcription factor 2
GRHL3Grainyhead like transcription factor 3
GSDMDGasdermin D
GSK3BGlycogen synthase kinase 3 beta
GSSGlutathione synthetase
GSTCDGlutathione S-transferase C-terminal domain containing
GTF2A2General transcription factor IIA subunit 2
GTF2E1General transcription factor IIE subunit 1
GTF2H1General transcription factor IIH subunit 1
GTF2H3General transcription factor IIH subunit 3
GTF2IGeneral transcription factor IIi
GTF2IRD2GTF2I repeat domain containing 2
GTF2IRD2BGTF2I repeat domain containing 2B
GTF3AGeneral transcription factor IIIA
GTF3C2General transcription factor IIIC subunit 2
GTF3C5General transcription factor IIIC subunit 5
GTSF1Gametocyte specific factor 1
GUCD1Guanylyl cyclase domain containing 1
GUCY1A1Guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit alpha 1
H1-1H1.1 linker histone, cluster member
H1-5H1.5 linker histone, cluster member
H2AC1H2A clustered histone 1
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